Thursday, June 14, 2007

God, Grandchildren and Grounders

Every day is a lesson of expectation. I live in the expectation of hearing from God in a personal way everyday. And the Father is faithful, and has never let me down. But I do have a confession to make. He has never met me where I was expecting Him to be , but He has always met me when I have sought after Him.

One of my grandsons is just a totally bundle of pure energy. Flame on and lets save the world. This last couple of months he has been playing T-ball. And his dad is one of the coaches. How do you harness that much energy long enough to teach them the basics of baseball? How did my son find the inner strength to work with a group of these young firebrands?

It takes a foundation. A base of knowledge gained either thru your own experiences or the experiences of those around you. But we all know that the best lessons stung the most. Remember to put your foot down when the motorcycle comes to a stop. Don't lick a frozen pole in winter. Little things that cause us to be more observant. My son has six wonderful children and so he has a foundation for coping with highly motivated children. My grandson has a foundation of disciple in order to interact with others socially. These are all skills acquired over time and sometimes with less then desired results.

So as we make our way thru this life we know that if we follow God's Word He will guide my way. So should I expect Him to meet me when and where of my choosing or can I rest in the knowledge that when ever and where ever I turn to Him I will find Him waiting for me.

Our being grounded in the word is not unlike the grounder in t-ball. All the kids can hit a grounder but are looking for that high fly to left field. We have begun with salvation and now we seek to live a life to the utmost of what God has provided us with.


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