Friday, February 22, 2019

Music Meets Us

Music has always been an integral part of my life. My Mom was a classically trained pianist and I loved it growing up listening to her play for hours. When we weren't listening to classical music Mom listened to all the great 50's rock and rollers. I was born in the mid fifties when music was really changing. In the Spring and Summer there were free concerts at the band-shell in Golden Gate Park with everything from classical to kabuki, Marine Band to Broadway musicals.

Then while Mom worked I spent my first 5 years at Grandma and Grandpas during the day. Grandpa really loved his country music.  In the fifties it was real Country music, Blue Grass. Banjos, guitars, harmonicas, fiddles and washtub base. A little piano and wash board helped too. It was all about God, Mother and Apple Pie. And don't forget the spoons. Anybody can play spoons.

Having worked as sound engineer for several bands as well as with the different puppet teams and youth groups we have helped put together over the years, we are aware of how much a room can change when the music changes.

David loved music from an early age. Alone in the hills with the family flocks for long periods of time. God gave him the wisdom to take items from his daily life and use them to give praise glory and honor to his heavenly Father.

Music met David everywhere he turned and the same goes for us today. Listen to the silence and you will be overwhelmed with God's Music. We have but to listen and He will provide us with spirit charging music. Some you hear, some you see and some you feel. God builds monolithic so stop thinking small and find Him everywhere. 

Song for the Day
From time to time we will be sharing with you music that just seems to work. Please send us some of your favorite music and we'll pass it along to the rest of our friends. Here at Lily Pad Ministries we are always open to new music sources

Mercy Me - I am   


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Why Does the Water Flow Where it Does?

Getting back into the swing of studying and writing again.What a joyous time. To feel the flow of the Lord as I seek His direction.

Proverbs 21
The believer, perceiving that the Lord rules every heart as he sees fit, like the husbandman who turns the water through his grounds as he pleases, seeks to have his own heart, and the hearts of others, directed in his faith, fear, and love.   Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

As we move forward in this Ministry, we have come to realize that there is much out there to share and to explore. Our lives are an adventure worth sharing. If my mis-steps can be of assistance all the better. The more eyes the better. And framed against the backdrop of God's word life becomes more beautiful and more shareable.

Often you will find that what appeared at the time to be the worst of times will often be the most teachable and shareable moments in our life.

This is my family I seek to reach. We have come far and have far to go, but we are strong the Lord. I am thankful that Jesus will be with me to make sure that his water is applied as He desires for His eyes see all.


Sunday, February 17, 2019

We are Back

We are back and it is glorious. God will guide us as we trust Him.

We will be unfolding the Praise story of a bunch of people who find that trusting in God with full reliance is a wonderful way of life.

There are trials and there are rewards but we call it all good in His name.

Remember kids, where you are is where God wants you to be. Just be ready willing and available to serve Him.

Fully Relying On God
from all of us to all of you